Employee Retention Tax Credit ERTC Funding

Employee Retention Tax Credit Funding

Employee retention tax credit funding can be a valuable tool for businesses to help them retain employees and keep their doors open during difficult times.

This type of financial assistance has the potential to make a huge difference in allowing companies to stay afloat, even when faced with economic challenges.

In this article, we’ll look at what employee retention tax credits ERTC are, how they work, and how they can benefit employers.

What Are Employee Retention Tax Credits?

Employee retention tax credits are an incentive offered by the government to help businesses keep employees on payroll during their time of need. They provide a financial benefit for employers who retain and pay wages to employees, even when business operations have slowed down or been suspended due to economic hardship caused by COVID-19.

The federal CARES Act established this employee retention tax credit (ERTC) in March 2020, which is available to eligible employers through December 31, 2021. The ERTC allows those businesses that were affected negatively by the pandemic to receive up to $5,000 per employee as a refundable income tax credit against certain employment taxes related to wages paid from March 13th, 2020 through December 31st, 2021.

Eligible employers can use Form 941 quarterly returns and claim the ERTC for each quarter they had a year over year decline in gross receipts compared with 2019. There are also additional eligibility requirements such as having fewer than 500 full-time equivalent employees in order to qualify for the ERTC.

Businesses that take advantage of this form of funding will be able to offset some of the costs associated with keeping their workforce employed while facing difficult circumstances brought on by the current crisis. This should help them stay afloat until more normal operations resume and sustain long term success going forward.

Moving on then, let’s look at how do employee retention tax credits work?

How Do Employee Retention Tax Credits Work?

Employee retention tax credits are a great way to ease the financial burden on businesses that have been adversely impacted by COVID-19. According to recent reports, up to $100 billion in funding has been set aside for companies and organizations through this initiative.

Here are 5 key points about how employee retention tax credits work:

  1. Businesses must experience a reduction of at least 50% of their gross receipts as compared to the same quarter in 2019.
  2. The credit is equal to 50% of qualified wages paid up to $10,000 per employee in 2020 and 2021.
  3. Any wages taken into account cannot exceed what the business paid out during either Q1 or Q2 of 2020 before any furloughs or layoffs took place.
  4. Self-employment taxes do not count towards eligible wages but payments made under the CARES Act do qualify for the Credit if they meet all other criteria.
  5. Applying employers can receive an advance payment from the IRS for 80% of expected credit amount based upon 2019 income levels which will be reconciled against actual figures when filing returns for 2020 and 2021 respectively.

These rules provide clarity around who may benefit from this program and should help businesses plan ahead with greater certainty and confidence when it comes time to apply for funding assistance related to employee retention tax credits. With that said, there are still some questions as to who is eligible for the credit?

Who Is Eligible For the Credit?

The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) is a federal tax credit that allows employers to receive funds for retaining and paying wages to their employees.

To be eligible, businesses must have been operational since February 15th 2020 and experienced either full or partial suspension of operations due to government orders related to COVID-19; OR had gross receipts decline by more than 50% compared to the same quarter in 2019.

Eligible employers can apply for this refundable payroll tax credit on up to $10,000 of wages paid per employee after March 12th 2020 through December 31st 2020. Self-employed individuals are also eligible if they meet certain criteria.

The total amount of credits available cannot exceed $5,000 per employee, over the entire period from March 12th 2020 through December 31st 2020.

Taxpayers who received Paycheck Protection Program loans may still qualify for ERTC subject to further restrictions and conditions imposed by the IRS.

Businesses should consult with an accountant or financial advisor prior to claiming any applicable tax credits as eligibility requirements vary depending on a variety of factors. With all these considerations in mind, it’s important to determine how much you could benefit from the ERTC before making any decisions about your business finances.

Moving forward, let’s explore what benefits come with claiming the credit?

What Are the Benefits of the Credit?

Let’s talk about the benefits of the employee retention tax credit funding.

Specifically, how increased funding for employee training and reduced employee turnover costs can be beneficial.

Increased Funding for Employee Training

Investing in employee training can have a huge payoff for businesses. Not only does it help to ensure that employees are up-to-date with the latest technology and processes, but it also shows them you care about their development and growth.

The Employee Retention Tax Credit encourages employers to invest more in training and incentivizes them with additional funds to do so. With this tax credit, businesses can feel confident investing in the future of their workforce while still reaping financial rewards.

This is an incredible opportunity for companies who want to provide their workers with quality resources without breaking the bank!

Employee Retention Tax Credit Funding

Reduced Employee Turnover Costs

It’s clear that the Employee Retention Tax Credit has several advantages for businesses.

Not only does it provide an incentive to invest in training, but it can also greatly reduce employee turnover costs.

When employees feel valued and invested in, they’re more likely to stay with a company long-term – eliminating the need to constantly search for new hires and incurring additional expenses associated with onboarding.

This tax credit is an invaluable tool for companies looking to cut down on personnel turnover and create a culture of loyalty among their team members.

How to Apply for the Credit

The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) provides much-needed financial assistance to businesses across the country that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s an invaluable resource for organizations struggling to keep their doors open and employees on board in these challenging times.

But how does one take advantage of this opportunity? Applying for ERTC funding is a relatively straightforward process, but it’s important to understand exactly what steps need to be taken before submitting your application.

First, you’ll want to make sure your business meets the criteria set forth by the IRS: it must have suffered full or partial suspension of operations due to government orders related to COVID-19; experienced significant decline in gross receipts compared with the same quarter in 2019; or both. If all conditions are met, then you can begin gathering vital documents such as payroll records, tax returns, and other information needed to prove eligibility.

Once eligibility has been established and required paperwork gathered, applicants should complete Form 941-X—the Adjusted Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return form—and submit it along with supporting documentation through mail or online services like EFTPS.

Afterward, approved claimants will receive notification from the IRS specifying how much credit they’re eligible for. With these details in hand, companies can move forward confidently toward claiming their rightful funds and keeping their workforce intact.

All that remains now is figuring out just how much tax relief can be claimed…

How Much Can Be Claimed?

The employee retention tax credit funding is a great way to help businesses keep their employees on the payroll during difficult times. Applying for the credit is an easy process, and can provide much-needed relief to employers struggling with reduced profits due to COVID-19.

But how much of this helpful resource can be claimed?

Employers who qualify for the credit are eligible to claim up to 50% or $5,000 per employee in wages paid after March 12, 2020 and before January 1, 2021. The amount of wages that may be taken into account when determining eligibility cannot exceed $10,000 per employee in any calendar quarter of 2020. In addition, employers must meet certain criteria such as maintaining operations at full capacity throughout the pandemic period and not having received a loan from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

It’s important to note that each business will have different requirements depending on its size and industry. Therefore it’s essential that businesses work closely with their tax advisors when considering applying for ERTC funds to determine which credits they might qualify for and calculate the maximum amount available.

With these calculations in hand, businesses can plan ahead and maximize their benefit from this generous government program.

Now that we know how much can be claimed through ERTC funds, what other resources are available?

What Other Resources Are Available?

In addition to the employee retention tax credit, there are other resources available for employers. These include:

  • Professional consulting services: Companies can access professional support from experts in business and finance who understand the complexities of managing a work force during times of economic uncertainty.
  • Government programs: Federal and state governments have enacted several initiatives that provide assistance to businesses affected by COVID-19. Examples of these programs include small business loans, grants, and tax deferment opportunities.
  • Financial institutions: Banks and other financial institutions offer their own programs that may benefit employers seeking additional funding or guidance on how best to manage their finances during this period.

These resources serve as an important complement to the employee retention tax credit and should be considered when thinking about ways to keep employees employed while reducing costs. They represent valuable tools that can help employers make sound decisions with regard to workforce management and budgeting during this time.

With some careful research and consideration, companies can determine which resources will be most beneficial for their individual needs. Moving forward then, it is essential to consider how employers can make the most out of this credit in order to maximize its potential benefits.

How Can Employers Make the Most of the Credit?

Once employers have identified that their company is eligible to receive the employee retention tax credit funding, they should consider how best to use it.

This includes looking at the size of the credit in relation to what would be needed for a payroll increase or other benefit enhancements. Employers may need to determine if there are any restrictions or conditions on receiving and using the credit.

It’s also important for companies to evaluate whether a one-time bonus payment or ongoing benefits such as increased wages might be a better way of utilizing the funds in order to retain employees over time.

When planning out how to make the most of this opportunity, employers must take into account both short and long-term goals while balancing cost savings with investments made in staff. Companies should think about ways they can ensure employees feel supported and valued during challenging times, especially when budgets are tight.

Management teams should look into strategies that focus on developing employees’ skills so they have more opportunities for advancement within their organization.

Ultimately, businesses need to remember that making sure their workforce feels appreciated will lead to improved morale, productivity and loyalty – all key components of successful employee retention which could result from taking advantage of tax credits like these.

With that said, it’s essential for organizations to weigh up carefully the potential risk involved before deciding how much capital should be allocated towards this initiative.

What Are the Potential Pitfalls of the Credit?

The employee retention tax credit has been a great help for employers during the pandemic, but it can still have its pitfalls. Just as there are certain steps that employers should take to maximize their eligibility for the program, there are also important measures they must consider in order to mitigate any risks of taking advantage of this funding opportunity.

To start off, according to recent IRS reports, nearly 380,000 businesses have claimed over $30 billion through the employee retention credit so far. This data points towards one simple fact – employer utilization of this tax relief is quite high and continues to rise.

With that being said, here are four potential drawbacks employers could face when applying for the ERTC:

  • The application process may be complex and time-consuming
  • Inaccurately filing or failing to document correctly can result in hefty fines from the IRS
  • Misunderstanding qualifying criteria could disqualify an organization from benefiting from the program
  • Organizations may need additional resources to address compliance issues associated with ERTC claims

As such, it’s essential that employers not only understand how best to leverage the benefits of this credit but also remain mindful of what possible problems they might encounter along the way.


Employers looking to maximize their employee retention tax credit funding should consider the potential pitfalls, as well as the numerous benefits available.

Making sure to understand eligibility requirements and filing deadlines is essential for taking full advantage of this credit.

In fact, one interesting statistic shows that businesses in 2019 were able to claim over $7 billion through these credits alone!

With that much money at stake, it pays to be informed about how to make the most of your employee retention tax credits.

As a business owner, you can use these funds to ensure your employees stay happy, productive and engaged with their work.